Thursday, March 28, 2013

8teen Birthday ♥

Yay, I'm now officially 8teen! 

My birthday was always came with the school exam and this year, it came with HOLIDAYS. Different feeling cause this was my 18th birthday. I thought it was a holiday and I can sleep longer, but then teacher informed us to come back to school cause we have extra class. Owhhhh.. 
I'm happy, perhaps it was my birthday? Still need to back to school okay! Unfortunately, teacher gave us the results and mine was SUCK! When I was having a terrible mood then my friends took a cake and walked toward me, of course they did sing birthday song too! How touch is it! I was flabbergasted. They surprised me, indeed! 

We decided to have a brunch at Publika but we've no idea what to eat there. At last, we went to Jalan Ipoh YongTaoFu. Someone said that there have the most scrumptious YongTauFu in the town. The food is not bad and I like the Popiah with chicken floss. Thumbs up cause I like the taste! Actually we spent almost 2 hours there cause we're gossip-ing there as well :D 幸福很简单,吃 YongTaoFu 也可以很幸福♥ 

Pixies Time :  

 Where are you looking at Kumsum?

Went to Publika @ Ichiban Boshi at night with family. There were crowded at night, but there is a place full of artistic items. Love the environment too! 

 Daddy Lim with his smile 

And the thing that surprised me the most is the cake! There is a Stitch on it  How dare I EAT it, so bluee!
Actually it is a Durian Cake, delicious to the max ♥ Thanks :)

 Hope my wishes come true! 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

还是台湾 ♥

台湾台湾,我无法离开这个字眼。虽然去了几次,但依然觉得不够,我到底怎么啦?哈哈。我相信我还会回来的,台湾 ♥ 除了台湾美食,台湾民宿,台湾旅游景点,让我最无法忘怀的还是台湾人的热情!无论去到台湾的任何一个角落,都可以感受到他们的热情,这是无可否认的。就像当你进到店面时,迎面而来的就是一句“欢迎光临”和一副和蔼可亲的笑容,而且他们的服务态度也很好!好吧,我们还是言归正传吧 :)


南投 - 天空之桥

  • 桥全長 : 204公尺(全台第一)
  • 桥阶数 : 265 階
  • 地点 :南投市福山里猴探井风景區
  • 开放时间 :每天 8︰30~17︰30
  • 门票 :全票50元、优待票30元;



 让我想起 Lee Kwang Soo, 中了 Runningman 的毒。




清境 - 青青草原
青青草原的羊都是自由走动的,我们可以购买饲料来喂食。其实走到有围栏那边买比较值得,虽然价钱一样,但是那边的饲料比较多。如果有买的话,买一包就够了,因为当你省着用的时候,你会发现你已走到出口了。出口附近留着很多用不完的饲料,所以如果不想浪费钱又想喂绵羊的话,可以先到出口一看。xD 走出出口后,还没完,因为你还需要走一段路去看表演。表演是不错好看,但是有点闷,而且重点是看完表演后,你必须走一段很长很长很长的路。如果有稍老的长辈就最好别看表演了,因为到头来,辛苦的是他们。

台北 - 渔人码头附近


 星巴克 ♥

Dream Catcher ♥

台北 - 野柳

野柳是我去过台湾,风最大的地方。一下车,就能感觉到风在疯狂的拍打你的脸侠,前面犹如一个开着7号的风扇在催你的发丝。所以在野柳牌照是完全不用风扇就能让头发想 rocker 那样向四面八方的飞起,哈哈。那儿的天空很美,石头也很奇妙。女王头那儿更是济爆人,听说再过不久女王头就要断了,因为受到风的侵袭。要看的话,就要赶紧把握时机咯!

那天的阳光是猛烈到一个极点,眼睛是根本开不到的。但我本身的眼睛也是小的:x  如果在城市吹惯冷气的人不妨到野柳吹吹海风吧!